Friday, July 19, 2019

Top 16 Keto tips


Intermittent fasting (IF) is arguably the most effective tip you can put into action right away to get into ketosis and help you lose weight — if that’s the goal.
IF means you don’t eat or drink anything that contains calories for an allotted period of time.
A Harvard study has shown that intermittent fasting can manipulate your body’s mitochondria in similar ways as the ketogenic diet to increase your lifespan[*].
When you don’t consume calories for a few hours, your body starts depleting all of the excess glucose that’s stored in your body from eating carbohydrates.
To start burning fats for energy — the whole point of a keto diet — your body needs to first burn through any glucose that’s present in your body.
There are several types of intermittent fasting protocols that will help you enter ketosis faster.
If you are a beginner to IF, skipping breakfast in the morning is a great way to start.
If you are already keto-adapted, fat fasting is a common way to help with a weight loss plateau. This is when you consume 80-90% of calories from fat for a set period of time (no more than three to five days) while limiting everything else. Doing so will allow your body to speed up its metabolism to burn more fat.


Chronic stress will severely hinder your body’s ability to enter ketosis. This is because the stress hormone cortisol elevates your blood sugar levels, which prevents your body from burning fats for energy because there is too much sugar in the blood.
If you are currently going through a high stress period in your life, starting the ketogenic diet may not be the best idea.
It’s best to begin this nutrition plan when you can keep stress to a minimum and you’re able to devote a large portion of your waking hours towards staying in ketosis.
If you definitely want to start a keto diet now, it’s still doable. Just be sure to take steps to reduce the stress in your life such as getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, taking time to do something you enjoy (like listening to your favorite podcast) or adopting relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation or yoga.


Poor sleep will increase levels of your stress hormones. As we explained above, that can prevent you from getting into fat-burning mode.
Maintaining a proper sleep schedule on a keto diet where you go to bed at the same time everyday will help improve your quality of sleep.
It’s critical to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night. But if you’re currently getting way less than that, try scaling back by a half hour every night until you hit your sleep goal.
Numerous studies have found that not getting enough sleep can greatly hurt your ability to lose weight[*][*][*].
Sleeping in a relatively chilly room (around 65 degrees) along with keeping a dark room will help you get into a deep, restorative sleep more frequently.
If you have trouble sleeping, supplementing with a natural sleep aid like melatonin can also work wonders.


Many people have a negative stigma when it comes to how much sodium you should be consuming daily. We have been taught that our sodium intake should be very low but this is typically only the case on high carbohydrate diets.
This is because higher carb diets means naturally higher levels of insulin. When insulin levels are high, your kidneys begin to retain sodium[*][*].
When you adopt a low carb, high fat diet like the keto diet, insulin levels are much lower and your body excretes more salt since there are no carbohydrates present in your body to spike insulin and hold onto the sodium.
When you’re in ketosis, add an extra three to five grams (3,000 to 5,000 mg) of sodium in your diet.
This will help you avoid electrolyte imbalances. The healthiest ways to get more salt in your diet include:
  • Adding Himalayan sea salt (or pink salt), which contains natural trace minerals, to your water throughout the day
  • Drinking organic bone broth everyday
  • Sprinkling pink salt on each one of your meals
  • Eating low carb foods that naturally contain sodium like cucumbers and celery
  • Eating salted macadamia nuts


Maintaining a regular exercise schedule while on the keto diet can boost your ketone levels and help you transition into a low carb, high fat lifestyle much quicker than without exercise. To get into ketosis, your body needs to get rid of any glucose present in the body.
Exercising uses different types of energy for fuel including carbohydrates, fats and amino acids. The more frequently you exercise, the quicker your body depletes its glycogen stores.
Once your body has gotten rid of its glycogen storages, it will seek out other forms of fuel and will turn to fat for energy through ketosis.
Be sure to incorporate a workout regimen that includes both high intensity exercises in conjunction with low intensity steady state exercises like walking or jogging. This will help you balance your blood sugar and aids your body in entering ketosis.
Keto diet tips
Keep in mind this is a beginner workout for people who want to incorporate an effective exercise program to aid with their journey to ketosis.


Just because diet soda has zero calories doesn’t mean it fits into your ketogenic diet plan.
Diet sodas use several sugar substitutes that can signal to your body that a large amount of sugar is entering the body. This can lead to increased blood sugar levels.
Studies have shown that the body may react in a similar way to some sugar substitutes as it would to regular sugar[*].
Plus, when you load up on zero-calorie sweeteners, you’re only going to increase your cravings for sweet foods and drinks in the future. One of the big benefits of a keto diet is that you re-calibrate your taste buds to crave healthy, low carb whole foods — but this can’t happen if you’re constantly bombarding them with sweet tasting foods.
Instead of diet soda, sparkling water can be a great alternative without the unnecessary sugar substitutes.


Batch cooking delicious keto meals will help you stay on track with your keto macros throughout the week. If you engineer your environment to support your goals rather than sabotage them, you’re giving your willpower a break, because it doesn’t have to be strong in the face of temptation.
Batch cooking sets you up for a week of keto dishes so you don’t slip up when lunch or dinner time comes around.


Staying hydrated is important no matter what diet you’re on but you must pay extra attention when starting out on the ketogenic diet. This is because your body excretes more water from your body when carbohydrates aren’t present.
Aim to drink half of your bodyweight in ounces of water at the minimum[*].
Be sure to drink more on days where you are sweating more often such as hot summer days or after intense workouts.


It’s important to incorporate vegetables in your diet to ensure you’re consuming all necessary nutrients, including fiber, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy gut (more on that later!).
You should aim for nutrient-dense, non-starchy vegetables like:
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel sprouts
Non-starchy vegetables are generally low-calorie, too. So if you’re the type of person who likes to feel physically full after a meal, it’s important to include plenty of these vegetables in your diet so you’re not eating an entire bag of macadamia nuts in one sitting.
While that would be delicious, it wouldn’t be helpful if you’re using a keto diet to lose weight.


Supplementing with MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil will help you get into ketosis even if your glycogen storages aren’t fully depleted. 
MCT’s are immediately metabolized into ketone bodies and used for energy instead of having to go through your stomach for digestion[*].
While many people think coconut oil is the same as MCT, they are molecularly different.
MCT oil is made up of 100% medium chain triglycerides — caprylic and capric acids — while coconut oil contains 35% long chain triglycerides and 50% lauric acid. Coconut oil is only made up of 15% medium chain triglycerides. So your body has to go through its digestive tract to turn coconut oil into energy whereas MCT oil is converted directly into energy.


Gut health is linked to just about every system in the body. Several studies have proven that your gut microbiome affects everything from your mental health to your digestive system and several other systems in the body.[*][*].
When you have healthy gut flora, your body’s hormones, metabolic flexibility, and insulin sensitivity become more efficient[*]. These processes directly affect your body’s ability to transition from carbohydrates to fats for energy.
When your metabolic flexibility is functioning optimally, your body can seamlessly adapt to a low carbohydrate, high fat diet. But when your body is metabolically inflexible, it has difficulty utilizing fats for energy, instead, it will convert into body fat. Focusing on improving your gut health will greatly impact the health of your body’s metabolic flexibility[*].
Eating a low carb, high fat ketogenic diet also helps with your gut health. When you eliminate carbs from your diet, you’re getting rid of processed foods, which are known to harm your gut microbiome.
Focusing on improving your gut health can greatly improve your body’s ability to become a more efficient fat burner.


Weighing the food you eat can be a huge difference on the ketogenic diet, especially as a beginner.
Many people like to eyeball the amount of food they’re eating but doing so can cause you to overeat and kick you out of ketosis.
The difference between burning glucose or ketones as your primary source of fuel can be that one extra tablespoon of almond butter that you eyeballed.
For comparison, just two extra tablespoons of almond butter comes out to an additional 200 calories and 6 grams of carbs.
Once you get used to what proper portions look like, then you can begin to eyeball your meals.


Similar to MCT oil, consuming exogenous ketones is like a shortcut to getting into ketosis.
The most popular exogenous ketones on the market contain beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), which is the active form of ketones that flow freely in the blood and are easily used by your body.
Taking a ketone supplement will drastically help during the initial phases of your ketogenic journey because you are signaling your body to start using ketones for energy instead of carbohydrates.
You still have to adopt a high fat, low carb diet to fully benefit from this way of eating, but exogenous ketones have the ability to kick you back into ketosis even after an unintentionally high carbohydrate meal.
It is also an effective tool for avoiding the keto flu that is common in beginners.
While your body is still getting used to using ketones, you can use an exogenous ketone to help eliminate all of the flu-like symptoms that come during the induction phase of the ketogenic diet.
Here are more helpful ways to avoid or cure the keto flu.


Measuring your carbohydrate intake is extremely important. Be careful for hidden carbohydrates in certain foods that may seem keto-friendly but are actually loaded with sugars.
Here are some examples of keto foods that may have hidden carbohydrates:
  • Chicken wings loaded with barbecue or buffalo sauce
  • Milk
  • Most fruits (blueberries are fine in small amounts)
  • Low-fat foods like yogurt
  • Breaded meats
Make sure to look at the nutrition facts of everything you eat until you understand where those hidden carbs are coming from.
You should only be consuming 50 grams maximum in carbohydrates on the ketogenic diet.
When calculating your carb count, you want to determine the net carbs of your total daily intake.
Total carbs – Fiber = Net Carbs
The general rule of thumb is to consume 20 to 30 net carbs daily. If you exercise more frequently, you can get away with the upper threshold and still stay in ketosis.
Here’s a genius 5-minute hack that allows you to calculate your net carbs on MyFitnessPal.
In the beginning, it may seem like the only thing you do is count and track carbs all day, but we promise, it becomes more intuitive.


Using keto sticks or a glucose meter will give you feedback on whether or not you’re following the diet correctly and if you’re actually in ketosis.
The most accurate measuring tool is a glucose meter. It’s also the most expensive alternative which is why most people are deterred from using them daily.
Keto sticks are also a good alternative because they are cheap. Keep in mind, many people claim that the keto sticks are not entirely accurate because the longer you stay in ketosis, the more your body is able to utilize ketones for energy rather than excreting it through your urine. So you’re ketone count may appear low when it’s actually not.


Time is a huge factor when it comes to sticking to the ketogenic diet. Many people are discouraged due to the amount of homemade meals you have to make.
A great remedy to this is to prepare as many keto-friendly snacks as you can so you aren’t turning to convenient, carb heavy snacks when you are short on time.
Here are some examples of keto snacks you can take on the go:
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Beef jerky
  • Premade guacamole
  • Keto MCT Matcha Fat Bombs
  • Pre-cooked bacon

Thursday, May 9, 2019

42 secrets to become a pro programmer

Ten Must-Dos for any Good Professional Programmer

1. Show interest. You MUST harbor some decent levels of interest in wanting to develop software, build a website, video game, malware, mobile app, or whatever it is you can conjure up in your imagination.
You need this because times come when being motivated may be a huge challenge. Depending on the project, the programming can be difficult so you do not want to be left with a sour taste in your mouth and get discouraged leaving regrate.
2. Read up on a bit on the software domain in which you intend to get involved in programming in. These could be anything from mobile apps, games, embedded systems, websites, Desktop applications etc.
A good place to start your journey to becoming a good professional programmer is Wikipedia. This will save you loads of time. You can brush through some of the things that your domain of interest entails through running through the pages on Wikipedia.
The reason you want to start on Wikipedia is that there are hundreds if not thousands of programming languages out there. Some may not be suitable for the task at hand.
For example, you wouldn’t want to dabble in Assembly Language while your goal is to be a web developer. In which case it might interest you to get closer to the likes of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScriptand gain some expertise in these.
3. After reading up on what domain you are interested in, you will have an idea of the languages which are ideal in that area.
Pick a simple programming language to get started with. In most cases, you want to touch base with the languages classified as interpreted languages, most notably, Python.
This will serve you better as a starting language rather than compiled languages such as C or C++. As a web developer, you might want to go even simpler with starting off with HTML5.
I also think every programmer regardless of this day and age should learn HTML5. It has many practical applications for programmers, designers and writers alike.
4. Read up on, and download the necessary tools you would need to get started with your language of choice. Most of the programming language tools are free on the net or have free alternatives. The complex languages may come with expensive advanced tools but as a beginner, you do not need any of that.
Do not forget to get good furniture. Yes! A good desk and chair will do wonders for you in terms of concentration, health, and good habits.
Make sure you have a good computer that is up to the task. It does not have to be the latest high-performance workstation unless you are doing something like 3D graphics, or other performance applications.
Most programming workstations do not need to have extreme hardware unless you want to run a few virtual machines to host other operating systems and programming environments on the same host workstation.
The most important rule is to avoid using dinosaur computers, obsolete software (operating systems) and hardware. The main reason is that they may be unbearably slow. They are vulnerable from a security standpoint. Modern tools may not be able to run on those relics from the past anyway.

We Kick Things up a Notch

5. One important thing to do here is not to get too lost in learning the programming language. Your goal is to become a good professional programmer. You need to learn the programming concepts, paradigms, the logic, and thought processes behind programming. Learn what it is about structured, functional or object-oriented programming is. Learn architecture such as Model-View-Controller etc.
You will be well assisted here in supplementing your programming practice by reading highly rated books (Amazon has plenty of these), tutorials and articles from various websites.
The above-mentioned sources cover these concepts in more detail to certain degrees depending on the source. All these are available online and can be found through all the major search engines and favorite bookstores and brick and mortar libraries.
6. Set up accounts on websites like GitHub and StackOverflow.
Github will allow you to create, join and follow other great open source projects and it will allow you to get used to seeing how other programmers write code.
You can also join in and get actively involved in other open source projects that are not on GitHub. You will also learn how to use source control tools to manage your source code, especially when working in teams or collaborating on a project.
StackOverflow, on the other hand, is a place where you can ask and answer questions, as you continue to grow as a programmer. During coding, you will get stuck several times over the course of your growth and lifetime as a programmer. Nothing to be embarrassed about. We all went and still go through it whether we are a good professional programmer or not.
Should you have questions while at work, it probably had already been asked on StackOverflow. Furthermore, there are also comments and great answers surrounding the question for you to take your pick, evaluate and learn in the process.
7. Get an experienced senior programmer as a mentor. If you are fortunate enough to have a mentor it will be really valuable to have someone to guide you in your quest to become a good professional programmer.
Great programmers also hang out in places like IRC chatrooms so that is a good place to get in and find that willing person tolerate your newbie questions.
8. Learn a minimum of three languages. The more languages you learn, great! There are different programming languages for a reason. learning the different and similar approaches to solving problems will be well worth your time.
This will also help you in your future career endeavors. The reason being is that you will be conditioned to learn and pick up new languages with ease.
Remember, you do not have to be a master at all of them. In the least, you need to be a master of at least one language but have a working understanding of several others.
9. Endeavor to learn the C programming language in addition to the three talked about above. This will allow you to pick up the basics of the more complicated compiled languages.
C also allows you to understand how things work at lower levels in the computer (Closer to the “metal”). These include memory management and what it takes for performance, optimization, and more.
You can go ahead and learn a little of Assembly language and understand how it all relates to machine language, Assembly, and C.
Still, on this, move up to C++ and learn the modern concepts of the language (C++11 or later). C++ is a much larger and more complex language than C or any other programming language in existence.
It will, however, take you years to master. The good news is you can be a successful developer using C++ without being an expert.
Once you have a decent grasp of C and C++, you may want to dig into the core Java language or C# as more sane options to C++.
10. Armed with all the above tips, it is important to get down and dirty and do a lot of practical coding. Programming is more practical than theoretical. Do not shy away from making mistakes. We do learn from mistakes.
Code every day. Learn your programming tools well, be it your compiler, linker, Debuggers, Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Software Development Kit (SDK), Frameworks, host platforms, target platforms, or whatever may be.
Learn to reuse existing code such as those that are found in Frameworks, Modules, and Libraries whether they were written by you or other programmers. It will save you a lot of time, headache, and productivity.
There you have it. Follow the above steps and you will well on your way to being a good professional programmer in no time at all.

Top 16 Keto tips

#1: TRY INTERMITTENT FASTING Intermittent fasting (IF) is arguably the most effective tip you can put into action right away to  get into...